After many successful years at our previous location, we decided it was time for a change. Due to our immense growth, we realised that we needed larger premises. Our new office offers more space for creativity, state-of-the-art technology and an environment that provides our employees with the best possible working conditions.
You can reach us at our new address from 27 January 2025:
c/o Theis Consult GmbH
Leonhardstraße 23-27
52064 Aachen
Our telephone numbers and e-mail addresses will remain unchanged, so you can reach us as usual.
We look forward to a fresh start in our new premises and a move that goes as smoothly as possible.
29.03.2016 - PRISM, Tempora und Co - wie Sie Ihre Daten besser schützen können [more...]
29.03.2016 - NSA, GCHQ, XKeyScore und Bullrun [more...]
29.03.2016 - Verschlüsseln bietet weiterhin Schutz! [more...]
29.03.2016 - Mehr Sicherheit für Ihre Internet-Systeme [more...]
29.03.2016 - Optimaler Betrieb auf dedizierten Systemen [more...]
29.03.2016 - Safe communication with mail servers [more...]
29.03.2016 - Telekom, GMX & Co. will encrypt in future [more...]
29.03.2016 - Heartbleed-GAU with disastrousd consequences [more...]
29.03.2016 - The end of Truecrypt - what a shame [more...]
29.03.2016 - Microsoft has to grant access to users' data in Europe [more...]