19.01.2022 - Tags:

Promotion of Open Source

In January 2001, the beginning of a success story was written:  Jimmy Wales published the online encyclopedia Wikipedia, marking the beginning of open source development. Until today, however, the topic of open source has played a subordinate role in Germany and has been pushed into the background. However, open source brings with it many advantages that are currently not being exploited.

What is Open Source?

Open source refers to software or code that is freely accessible to the public. Thus, it can be viewed, modified or distributed by third parties. Often the open source software can be used for free or at a very low price.

How does it look with the use in Germany?

Unfortunately, Germany fares rather poorly compared to other countries. This is mainly because, although digital sovereignty has been created in recent years, nothing or little has been done by the state. There is neither a common policy in the area of open source nor is this a major topic in our society. However, the EU Commission recommends that every EU state promote open source at all levels and in all areas, as this has a significant positive impact on economic growth. In addition, open source has a good effect on other aspects as well, which we will explain below.

So why is open source so important?

For one thing, the skills and knowledge of workers in companies can be kept up-to-date and even expanded through open source. In addition, the employees are motivated by varied activities, which also increases the work productivity of each individual. Furthermore, software development skills are specifically promoted. Countries that already promote open source also have excellent software development skills, according to studies.
Secondly, the operating costs in the public sector would decrease. This is because the overall costs in the IT sector would decrease significantly, as proprietary software would be dispensed with in the public sector.

In addition, dependency on third-party vendors would greatly decrease and digital sovereignty would be strengthened. Furthermore, services such as standardization, knowledge transfer and community development can be provided through open source. Consequently, open source foundations play an essential role here.
Another benefit is the increase in start-up foundations. According to comprehensive studies, an increase of 10% in open source contributions would enable the creation of an additional 600 start-ups per year. This is mainly driven by the high quality of (free) open source software, which results from the collaboration of many people who have different skills. Thus, many young companies benefit from this, which then can more easily bring innovative products to the market.

We offer a wide range of Open Source

We as a company attach great importance to the use of open source. Therefore, it is also important to us to offer you the best possible open source offers. We provide you with a wide range of attractive offers, where we are happy to advise you. If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at any time.


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Open Source
Öffentlicher Code

19.01.2022 - Promotion of Open Source [more...]