28.12.2017 - Tags:

2018 will be all about IT security and the implementation of the EU GDPR

According to the latest report IT security and privacy 2017 of the National Initiative for Information and Internet Security (‘Nationale Initiative für Informations- und Internet-Sicherheit e.V.’ NIFIS), protecting and securing data is and will remain the most important issue for the German economy. As a result, the sensitivity to this topic will continue to grow inexorably. For the report, 100 executives and specialists from the IT industry were interviewed and their results evaluated.

Multiple answers were possible to assess the trends of the future. 95 percent of the respondents believe that increasing awareness will determine 2018. 94 percent of them see the protection against hacker attacks as trend-setting. The implementation of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will determine the next year according to 92 percent of the respondents.

Many of the data protection principles and concepts of the GDPR largely correspond to the previously valid EU data protection directive 95/46/EC. Their regulations were implemented in Germany with the German Federal Data Protection Act (‘Bundesdatenschutzgesetz’ BDSG). The provisions of the BDSG for companies are largely replaced by the provisions of the GDPR.

Since the new provision is an EU law, it is directly valid in all Member States and does not have to be implemented at the national level. Following the transitional period settled on 25 May 2016, the EU GDPR will apply two years after its entry into force, so that it will apply to everyone as of 25 May 2018. As a result, developers, programmers and above all software architects will have to rethink security and privacy by design.

[Sources: http://www.nifis.de/uploads/media/NIFIS-PI1612AD-Trends-2017-Datenschutz.pdf, https://www.finanzen.net/nachricht/aktien/trendstudie-2018-steht-ganz-im-zeichen-der-it-sicherheit-5790188, http://www.nifis.de/veroeffentlichungen/news/article/studie-ausg/ – further information: https://dsgvo-gesetz.de/]

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