Nextcloud: Additional possibilities for data management with aixzellent
Nextcloud is a new, free cloud server software on the basis of the ownCloud version 9. Besides further available functions, there are above all specific business functions (Enterprise Support) which are all open source. Accordingly, the server platform is suitable both for private use as well as for companies to guarantee access to all data, to be able to synchronise and share them. In addition to that, great emphasis is placed on privacy and security. You decide what information you store in your cloud, where it is hosted and who can access it. Sharing REST API allows you to monitor and control which data you share using mobile apps or desktop clients. The WebRTC Conferencing and the support of Spreed.ME offer you the possibility to perform videoconferences securely and exchange short messages through a chat. Of course you can access your data, contacts, calendar, etc. from anywhere and easily add new functions to optimise the use of the external storage to suit your personal needs optimally. aixzellent hosts and maintains your cloud, which we can also set up on the basis of Nextcloud on request. Get in touch with us, we will be happy to advise you!
29.03.2016 - Verschlüsseln bietet weiterhin Schutz! [more...]
29.03.2016 - Mehr Sicherheit für Ihre Internet-Systeme [more...]
29.03.2016 - Optimaler Betrieb auf dedizierten Systemen [more...]
29.03.2016 - Safe communication with mail servers [more...]
29.03.2016 - Telekom, GMX & Co. will encrypt in future [more...]
29.03.2016 - Heartbleed-GAU with disastrousd consequences [more...]
29.03.2016 - The end of Truecrypt - what a shame [more...]
29.03.2016 - Microsoft has to grant access to users' data in Europe [more...]
29.03.2016 - Plain text is to be removed from the internet [more...]
29.03.2016 - What is still safe (Truecrypt, SSL, ssh, ...) [more...]