04.04.2016 - Tags:

ownCloud: data security, control & flexibility with aixzellent

ownCloud is a free software to store data on (own) servers which are automatically synchronised with local registers by the use of a respective client-software. This allows for instance different persons (employees) to access and work on Microsoft Office documents, images, etc. Using the ownCloud App for Android and iOS allows additionally to manage and synchronise data via mobile devices. Unlike commercial cloud storage services, ownClowd may be installed on private servers or webspaces without any additional costs. The control over sensitive data stays with its owner who decides how, when and with whom he/she wants to share the data with, instead of leaving this control to a third party. Moreover, the use of ownCloud is not restricted to a particular operating system and allows for the integration of and combination with additional applications – like for instance groupware solutions, file manager, external storages, etc. – via a WebDAV interface connection. Thanks to its modular set-up, the software may be extended with several plug-ins introducing additional functions. We transfer your data exclusively via encrypted SSL/TLS connections. Thanks to its open source nature, ownCloud offers next to high data security and flexibility also a ligh level of transparency and the possibility to shape the software actively. We keep the software updated regularly which is additionally protected by an anti-virus program. Next to our new ownCloud service, we also offer managed hosting solutions for a Private Cloud based on Afresco Share/One and more general information on Private Clouds. We are happy to advise you personally in order to design your own individual solution based on your wishes and needs in close cooperation with you. Please feel free to contact us.

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